Wood Playing: The Origin
弄木 ‧ 溯源
The concept of collecting contemporary art may be becoming redundant. Since artistic forms as well as the mass media are changing all the time, how to collect these art works and present them afresh to the public becomes a challenge. Putting artist’s private collection of objects with little value, as well as the art works inspired by those collection in a show case intended for displaying antiquities of inestimable value in a museum for more than one month, is in itself a kind of art form.
Original setting in Hong Kong University Museum.
Hall 1
To my collection –
Jaffa lam’s work was collected in Hong Kong University Museum for one month and ten days
From 9th September to 19th October 2004
Hall 2
2004, 20(l) x 20(w) x 7.5 (h) cm
To my collection 1- A whole…
Skip-board, wooden object (Source: Antique shop; Price:HK$180)
給我的藏品(一) : 一個完整…
箱板木,木器 (來源:古董店;價碼:HK$180)
2004, 18.5 x 8.7 x 8.9 (h) cm
To my collection 2: Gaze at?
Pencil, wooden lion (Source: pick up from the a casting factory, Taiwan; Price: Free)
給我的藏品(二) :凝望?