开化寺艺术节 | 对话·2019高平当代艺术展
林嵐合作社 (鳴謝當地居民:曹書蘭,朱愛榮,張有江,張振蘭,曹水仙,王金龍,王書平,趙翠林)
物料: 本地石頭,棉線,螢光劑,紫外燈,聲音
展名: 開化寺藝術節: 對話_2019高平當代藝術展
展期: 2019.05.10-19
展場: 山西省高平市陳區鎮開化寺
大殿空間: 平面714 x 431 cm,高約500cm
作品尺寸:約700 x 160cm,石頭: 50x 50x80 cm
我將附近山頭的一顆石頭請來,讓它成為縲石。相傳女媧補天時曾遺石於世,守護天下紡織工坊,為世人暖身避寒,遮羞守禮,造福天下愛美之人。然而人間久經世代翻新,工業科技日新月異,人漸疏於手工。聯合眾人之力,藉此石再發神威 。創作時,找來村民,重裝百年織機,合各人之力,繞上82根經線與縲石相連,將織機的光輝重現於世人之前。
Jaffa Lam Collective(Acknowledgment: Local villagers)
Title: Weaving Rock
Material: local rock, cotton thread, glow paint, UV light, sound
Date: 10-19 May2019
Venue: Kai Hua Temple, Gaoping, Shanxi Province, China.
Exhibition: Kai Hua Temple Art Festival _ Conversation: 2019 Gaoping Contemporary Art Exhibition
Exhibition Hall Size: Base: 714 x 431 cm, Height: 500cm
Installation size: around 700 x 160cm,Rock: 50x 50x80 cm
Background Information
For thousands of years, sacred rocks, trees and rivers have been objects of worship in ancient Chinese culture. This appreciation of the natural environment has led to many important historical places being protected through many social and economic upheavals.
During my first visit to Kai Hua Temple, I was stunned by the purity of the place. As I walked around the building, the raw beauty of original structure was revealed behind the peeling paint, I felt a strong feeling of a goddess living there, protecting the building and its occupants.
According to the legend of 'Mother of the Earth', a sacred rock was left behind after the creation of the planet. The rock became the pre-incarnation of the Mother of the Weaving, who according to the legend, taught the Chinese how to produce silk thread and to weave it into fabric. However, over the passage of time, people forgot the core meaning of the handwork.
I was looking for a rock similar to my size and loom among the villages during the preparation. Finally reinstalled a dismantled 100-years-old loom and reconnected the thread with sacred rock, looks like a quiet celebration on the glory of craftsmanship.