Hong Kong International Artists Workshop 2008: 4X4
藝術交流 社區實現
Creativity Exchange X Community Experiment in Sham Shui Po
《國際藝術家交流工作坊(香港)2008:4X4》 既是創作的實驗,也是社區的的實驗。《4X4》以深水埗作為焦點,在三月至五月之間進行兩個的藝術家工作坊。在每個為期四週的工作坊中,我們邀請四位海外及 四位香港的藝術工作者即興互碰,擴闊創作領域。公眾可以在最後一週的「創作總結」環節中一睹工作坊的過程、研究及成果,也可以與參與的藝術家閑談。
九龍工業學校將會成為創作的基地,也透過校內講座及學生工作坊讓藝術家與學生近距離接觸,再者學生也會成為藝術家的助手和社區嚮導。我們鼓勵參與藝術家回應社區獨特的歷史和文化,以及民間生活和智慧。《4X4》會是教授與學習的平台,也是資源「mix match」的試驗。
《4X4》秉承2005年《現場灣仔》的精神,融合文化交流和社群發展。國際藝術家交流工作坊(香港)屬於英國Triangle Arts Trust發起的國際性的藝術家工作坊成員。
Hong Kong International Artists Workshop 2008: 4X4 is a relay in two senses: on the one hand, two consecutive artist
“jamming” workshops will be held back to back; on the other hand, the project is about sharing of knowledge, across sectors and generations.
Taking Sham Shui Po as the centre stage, 4X4 is conducted in two process-oriented workshop sessions over two months from March to May. In each four-week session, four international artists and four local ones of diverse background will engage each other and the community in creative exploration. In the last week of the both residencies, the public will see the process, research and work-in-progress that come out of the programme, and have a causal chat with the artists.
Kowloon Technical School, as the base of the workshop series, provides the immediate interface with the students through lectures and students’ workshops. Under a mentorship scheme, the students will assist the artists in their creation and guide the artists to the neighbourhood. The artists are encouraged to interact with the residents and to respond to the local knowledge, with the mediation of the organizer. 4X4 is hopefully a platform for learning and teaching to all the parties involved, and for nurturing the synergy of resources.
Hong Kong International Artists?Workshop 2008: 4X4 continues the spirit of Re:Wanchai, AiR’s pilot programme in 2005, as both a cultural exchange project as well as an experiment in community development. The Workshop is part of a worldwide network of workshops developed by Triangle Arts Trust.
藝術家進駐日期 |Residency period
March workshop: 17 March - 18 April 2008
Shahram Entekhabi (Berlin, Germany)
Abhinandita Mathur (Delhi & Bombay, India)
Bundith Phunsombatlert (Bangkok, Thailand)
Michael Townsend (New York, USA)
Hong Kong:
Cheng Yee-man + Clara Cheung, Law Man-lok, Angela Su, Tse Pak-chai
April workshop: 21 April - 23 May 2008
Eve Armstrong (Auckland, New Zealand)
Michelle Brand (Manchester, UK)
Sandra Nakamura (Lima, Peru)
Alwin Reamillo (Fremantle, Western Australia)
Hong Kong:
Chan Yuk-keung, Paul Chu, Sara Tse, Adrian Wong
Shahram Entekhabi (德國柏林)、
Abhinandita Mathur (印度德里及孟買)、
Bundith Phunsombatlert (泰國曼谷)、
Michael Townsend (美國紐約)
Eve Armstrong (紐西蘭奧克蘭)、
Michelle Brand (英國曼徹斯特) 、
Sandra Nakamura (祕魯利瑪)、
Alwin Reamillo (西澳洲Fremantle)
公開節目 |Public Events
作為交流工作坊的開始,由參與該月份工作坊的八位藝術家 (包括海外及本港) 介紹他們以往的一些作品,從中講述他們的理念、創作方式等。講座亦希望可以擴闊公眾對藝術創作的視野,認識更多來自不同地區的藝術家的同時,可以了解到更多現今不同地方在藝術創作方向及形式上的可能性。講座由亞洲藝術文獻庫主持,並由兩個場地機構合辦。
香港藝術中心麥高利小劇場Osage Gallery
Artists’ Talk
As a beginning of the exchange programme, artists of the respective residence period will take part in the Artists’ Talk to give a brief presentation on their philosophy and creative approaches, with illustration of some of their past works. The talks provides important backgrounds for participating artists to interact and communicate in the forthcoming weeks, as well as a chance for public to meet artists from different countries and to know more about their diversity of creative approaches. The talk series was hosted by Asian Art Archive, and co-presented with the two venue organizers.
March workshop: 28 March (Sat), 2-6pm
April workshop: 3 May (Sat), 2-6pm
McAulay Studio, Hong Kong Arts Centre Osage Gallery
三月工作坊:5月20至23日(星期二至五)下午6時至8時 九龍工業學校
四月工作坊:4月15至18日(星期二至五)下午6時至8時 九龍工業學校
Residency Presentation
In the last week of the both residencies, the public saw the process, research and work-in-progress that came out of the programme.Participating artists will share their works and experience, had a causal chat with the public.
March workshop: 15-18 April (Tue-Fri), 6-8pm
April workshop: 20-23 May (Tue-Fri), 6-8pm
Kowloon Technical School
教育計劃 |Education Programmes
創作總結 (學界環節):在兩個藝術家工作坊的總結週,有特別時段(下午4時至6時)邀請香港學界参觀,除了藝術家會回顧駐留計劃的成果外,「學生大使」亦會分享學習過程。
Student Ambassadors: Under the arrangement of Kowloon Technical School, the artists become the mentors to students from Form 1 to Form 3. These students also act as guides to the local neighbourhood. By providing the opportunity to learn hands-on
with contemporary artists, the scheme is an alternative to the conventional classroom art lesson.
Meet the Artists: The participating artists will talk about their work, creative methods and project-in-progress in classroom and inthe studio in school.
Residency Presentation (school section): In the two wrap-up presentation week, a special section (4-6pm) will be open to the schools city-wide. Alongside with the artists?recap of the result of the residency programme, the Student Ambassadors will also share what they have learnt in the process.
節目查詢 | Programme enquiry : admin@hkair.org
資助 |Supported by
藝術家講座合辦機耩 |Artists’ Talks Co-presenters