Artist-in-Residence Cultural Exchange Social Engagement
o 最新計劃 | latest projects
The Future Generation Art Prize established by the Victor Pinchuk Foundation and implemented by the PinchukArtCentre is a worldwide contemporary art prize to discover, recognize and give long‐term support to a future generation of artists. The Prize is a major contribution to the open participation of young artists in the dynamic cultural development of societies in global transition.
o 計劃回顧 | previous projects
既是創作的實驗,也是社區的的實驗。《4X4》以深水埗作為焦點,在三月至五月之間進行兩個的藝術家工作坊。在每個為期四週的工作坊中,我們邀請四位海外及 四位香港的藝術工作者即興互碰,擴闊創作領域。公眾可以在最後一週的「創作總結」環節中一睹工作坊的過程、研究及成果,也可以與參與的藝術家閑談。
Hong Kong International Artists Workshop 2008: 4X4 is a relay in two senses: on the one hand, two consecutive artist “jamming” workshops will be held back to back; on the other hand, the project is about sharing of knowledge, across sectors and generations.
The AiR Association Limited (AiR) 在2005年4月邀請十二位海外及十二位本地藝術家,參與這次國際藝術家交流工作坊。這兩星期工作坊以灣仔舊區作舞台,不同文化背景的藝術 家將聚首一起,探索新的意念、擴展創作的疆域。工作坊既是文化交流的機會,也是創意即興互碰的實驗室。……
In April 2005, twelve overseas artists and twelve Hong Kong artists were invited to take part in Hong Kong International Artists' Workshop (HKIAW), hosted by The AiR Association Limited in the heart of old Wan Chai. In the two-week's workshop, the artists from diverse cultural background engaged each other to explore new ideas and expand the boundaries of their practice. The workshop served as a stimulating platform for cultural exchange……
o 海外交流 | oversea exchange projects
AiR 在過去兩年一直帶給各地藝術家出國交流的機會。本機構致力鼓勵推廣文化及藝術交流,例如舉辦國際藝術家工作坊( 香港,2005),和安排本地藝術家參加海外藝術活動,三位曾經歷此類工作坊的本地藝術家,包括Lukas Tam, Iva Ma 和魂游,將會跟大家分享他們的經驗。我們希望藉著這次分享,可以為更多本地藝術家在將來開辦交流活動。
AiR has been creating a platform for international artist exchange. Under the facilitation of AiR, Hong Kong artists have taken part in artists’ workshops and exchange activities held overseas. We hope that through its international network, AiR can nurture an in-deep bilateral dialogue in culture.
三位國際藝術家:N.S. Harsha (印度),Gabriel Baggio (阿根廷),林嵐 (香港),於2005年5月9日至14日應邀往汕頭大學的藝術設計學院 (CKAD) 參與學術工作坊。他們逗留短短六天,豐富了CKAD 學生對裝置藝術之探討,同時舉辦了三場公開講課予大學內的所有學生。
Three international artists, N.S. Harsha (India), Gabriel Baggio (Argentina), and Jaffa Lam (Hong Kong) were invited to Shantou University Cheung Kong School of Art and Design (CKAD) for an academic workshop in Shantou, China from 9th-14th May 2005. They gave fruitful installation study workshop to CKAD students during these six days and conducted 3 open lectures for all University students.
It was indeed a group work, included the owner of the playground (he is a painter and has his own gallery inside the playground), the blacksmiths who made the actual playground-ride and a helper (Mr.Ricab) from the Center, and the children I met in the village, that gave me inspiration in thinking about the plays in one's childhood. It is about children's dreams, runs in the air of a playground, then settles down in a room....a solitude. It is also about a person watches children play in a playground⋯⋯
劉莉莉 Lily Lau
Lily Lau was invited to Taiwan Hualien International Artist Workshop 2005.
經過幾近三十小時的航程,我戰戰兢兢的從香港到達地球的另一端--南美中部的玻利維亞,著陸聖克魯斯(Santa Cruz)國際機場,準備參加Km.0 Urbano國際藝術家交流工作坊。接待我的工作坊籌辦人之一Raquel Schwartz駛著一輛簇新的豪華日本房車說,聖克魯斯是玻利維亞第二大的城市,亦是近年來南美洲發展最快、本國及鄰近國家人口陸續遷往的城市。低地的亞熱帶氣候為夏天帶來燦爛的陽光,路上亂駛堵著的車子從不響號,在兩旁都不過是三四層高樓房的長街上,這裏總有份熱鬧輕鬆、懶洋洋的感覺。⋯⋯
After 30 hours on the flights and transits in 2 airports, I arrived at Santa Cruz and started an "exotic adventure" under the tropical sunshine and the swinging hammocks, sweats on my neck and delectable food in the back garden, singing and dancing and partying all came into my mind at the very first moments, and after all it was the friendship between artists from different parts of the world and the intensive exchange of ideas and cultures that impressed and stimulated me the most⋯⋯
Tam's works mainly concern the relationship between the activities of "individuality" and the perception of "Land". They are closely associated with each other, but constantly changing the fundamental nature to each other. His works have been exploring in the areas of "home and identity", "space and balance", "intersection of public and private sphere", and "reality and imagination". Based on the recent work of "Temple", Tam utilizes his works to investigate different⋯⋯
o 國際網絡 | international network
Triangle Arts Trust 是一個由 Sir Anthony Caro 和 Robert Loder 於1982年在英國成立的慈善機構。此基金旨在建立及促進一個包含藝術工作坊、駐場藝術家、及開設工作室的國際網絡。目的是為了讓各國藝術家可以一起交流意見和創作。 此外,它還可以讓觀眾從工作坊、開放日和展覽會中認識更多的國際藝術作品及可以更深入了解藝術品的創作及製作過程。
Triangle Arts Trust, a registered UK charity, was founded by Sir Anthony Caro and Robert Loder in 1982. The Trust initiates and facilitates an International Network of artist's workshops, residencies and studio buildings which enable artists to work together in order to exchange ideas and practice. Workshop open days, residency open studios and exhibitions give audiences an opportunity to see a wide range of international work and gain insights into the processes of art making.
Intra Asia Network 是一個供給文化機構公開資源的平台。它的使命是去發展及宣揚文化交流計劃,促進在亞洲從事創作及文化工作者的流動性;它希望在亞洲內調配知識與資源,從而推動區內的共同合作。亞洲的文化幹事已從2000年開始聚首於香港、首爾、上海、悉尼、台灣等地去討論所面對的挑戰及⋯⋯
Intra Asia Network is an open source platform for culture organizations. Its mission is to facilitate artistic mobility of Asia's cultural producers, practitioners, and creative people, through the development, promotion and empowerment of culture exchange projects. It wishes to initiate collaborations by mobilizing knowledge and resources across Asia. Since 2000, Asian culture directors have gathered in various cities, such as Hong Kong, Seoul, Shanghai, Sydney, Taiwan, to discuss the challenges and⋯⋯
o 社區計劃 | local community projects
灣仔區議會扶貧工作小組、聖雅各福群會社區發展服務、香港善導會及循道衛理中心於2006年6月合辦一項名為「灣仔社區市場計劃」。此計劃由區議會贊助, 希望透過時分劵系統來組織及運轉各階層資源,透過地舖使區內有需要人士以個人能力改善生活,並建立社會資本。The Air Association鼓勵並推薦地藝術家參與就位於灣仔莊士敦道90號地舖設計裝置提供寶貴意見,並協助進行。參與藝術家:林嵐、梁文穎及劉學成。協助計劃藝術學生:李素潔、姚君豪先生及黃挀欽。
The Wanchai Community Market project was initiated in June 2006 by the Wanchai District Council, St. James’ Settlement, Society for the Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention and Methodist Centre. Through time coupon system, the shop organizes and distributes resources to serve the need of the community, to help building social capital. The AiR Association encourages and recommends artists to contribute to the setup of the shop at Johnston Road. Participating artists included Jaffa Lam, Irene Leung, Hanison Lau. They were assisted by Candy Li, Boy Yiu and Leo Wong.
o 關於我們 | about us
The AiR Association Limited
The AiR Association Limited (AiR) 是香港註冊的非牟利機構,於2004年成立,由一眾具經驗的香港文化工作者組成。機構透過海外及本地的藝術家、不同的專業人士及創意社群的進駐計劃,藉以 推動創意、文化交流及社區參與。國際藝術家交流工作坊2005是The AiR Association Limited (AiR)的揭幕活動,由工作小組運作,並由香港多位資深的藝術工作者擔任顧問。
林嵐 主席
黃小燕 副主席
朱丹 副主席
陳沛浩 行政總監
電郵: jaffalam@hotmail.com
The AiR Association Limited (AiR) is non-profit making organisation registered in Hong Kong in form of a limited company. It is founded in 2004 and operated by a collective of well-experienced Hong Kong cultural workers. The goals of the association are to promote creativity, cultural exchange and social engagement through residency programmes involving various disciplines of the local and international creative communities. Hong Kong International Artists' Workshop 2005 (HKIAW) is the pilot project organised by AiR. It is operated by a Working Group and augmented by a panel of Consultants.
AiR is currently running without a venue. It is developing locale-specific residencies as well as thematic programmes, with exclusively invited artists.
Jaffa Lam Chairperson
Phoebe Wong Vice-Chairperson
Chester Chu Vice-Chairperson
Howard Chan Executive Director
Jaffa Lam
Email: jaffalam@hotmail.com